So there’s still 2 routes for discrete GPUs you can go, either AMD or Nvidia(Yes, there’s actually natively supported Nvidia cards in Mojave).
So this whole situation means we’re out of luck for any sort of web drivers as these 2 titans clash with neither bending the knee. Think it’s a coincidence both AMD and Intel have open sourced graphics drivers? It seems that Apple has had issues with Web driver quality before and it seems that Mojave was them finally taking a stand and saying either build better drivers or give us control similar to the Kepler series. Nvidia want to control every single aspect of their products which is the biggest reason for not having open sourced drivers, and then you look at the company that makes MacOs, iOS and clearly see how they want to control every aspect of their little garden. So what’s going on with the Web Drivers? Well the issue seems to go back to the philosophy of both companies, the philosophy of wanting to control the entire software stack for their products.
Though I want to go in depth why the Web Drivers were removed, I’ll give you guys a TL DR on the situation and a little guide of which GPUs to buy, which to avoid and the pros/cons of each model. So around the hackintosh community there’s been quite a few questions regarding which GPU to buy for Mojave ever since the Web Drivers “disappeared”. Disclaimer: I mention Turing, Pascal and Maxwell to help educate users on what versions of MacOs they're supported on but if you accidentally fell on this page thinking your RTX 2080ti is supported, please read carefully