Morning azan time in sacramento california
Morning azan time in sacramento california

morning azan time in sacramento california


It was a pleasure to be the trial judge in this case before such a well-prepared deputy of your office.Prayer times ical The Islamic Center of Southern California fosters an American Muslim identity and commitment to diversity, open-mindness, civic engagement, and community building. Cosca was able to do in admirable fashion. The case required (more than the average felony case) a close attention to detail, which Mr. Cosca can only be described as exceptional. Cosca was able to handle these irregularities (and remember them) in a very useful and effective way that left no doubt in the jury’s mind that the defendant was the perp. Most said they were “sure” of the defendant’s ID, while others stated they “thought” the defendant was the perpetrator.

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The 12 eyewitnesses were, as you might expect, less than completely consistent in their photographic or physical lineup ID’s. Cosca was very adept in accommodating these witnesses and making them feel comfortable in the courtroom setting. They were terrified when they were robbed, and they were equally terrified to be sworn eye-witnesses in the jury trial. The witnesses were largely young people working in a fast food restaurant to help support their education. He faced experienced opposition and did so with grace, skill, perseverance, and professionalism, the kind that would make you extremely proud of him. He always makes good use of his time, was vigorous in argument yet respectful when issues or objections were resolved against him. He was exceedingly effective in both the pretrial (in limine) and trial stages, especially closing argument. Cosca was a very organized, tenacious, efficient, and perceptive prosecutor.

morning azan time in sacramento california

In the Byrd matter, a 3 strikes case, the prosecution faced the considerable task of presenting evidence necessary to support the allegations (in a 15-count Information) that the defendant committed 7 separate armed robberies and attempted murder.


Because appellate decisions are limited to the issues raised, they seldom reflect the full nature of the trial court proceedings. The recent decision of the Court of Appeal speaks for itself. Steve Bird, a jury trial, which I heard in 3/2000. I wish to comment upon the exemplary performance of Chris Cosca in the matter of People v. Chris will do an excellent job navigating you through a very tough spot. There are no mircales in federal court, but having a great attorney is your best defense. If you are in the posiiton to have to work with him you are already in a deep situation. Having an attorney with good working relationship gives you the best opportunity for a favorable outcome. This is very important because in a criminal case many decisions that will seriously affect the client are decided by a judgement call on the behalf of one or more of these people. He is liked by the people that you will have to work with, prosecutors, probabtion, and judges (if it is even possible that judges like anyone). Chris does an excellent job of managing client expectations while allowing a stressed client to vent very difficult emotions, while keeping your best interests and the law in mind. Being indicted and everything else that comes with a criminal charge can be very stressful. I had him for a white collar criminal case.

Morning azan time in sacramento california